Creating Responsive Forms with Flexbox

Project to Frontend Development Course 2017 - Stockholm / Nackademin

Flexible Layout Box Model, better known as Flexbox, is a great tool for crafting responsive regions or UI elements. While not well-suited for complete page layouts, Flexbox excels at controlling elements along a single axis or in arranging elements within discreet regions. This makes Flexbox a fantastic tool for creating responsive page elements that are normally tricky to handle, such as forms. Often Flexbox can create responsive components with a minimal amount of code and little to no media queries.

Longer Forms

In this work, I´ll take Flexbox to build a form that has multiple sections and various form element types.

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Listing skills will help us match up our break out sessions and lunch!


Workshops are half-day, hands-on classes. Each are an additional $50.


Lunch is provided each day. We have vegetarian options as well as gluten-free choices available. Please let us know about any food allergies or dietary restrictions.

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